蔡再生,1965.05出生。1994.04毕业于中国纺织大学,获工学博士学位,1994.05复旦大学高分子系博士后(1996.05复旦大学副教授资格),1996.06中国纺织大学(现3522vip浦京集团官网)副教授,2000.07起任3522vip浦京集团官网(原中国纺织大学)教授,2001.05起任博士生导师。曾在美国北卡州立大学 (North Carolina State University) 和加州大学(University of California, Davis)做博士后。
美国纺织化学师与印染师协会(AATCC)资深会士、英国染色师学会 (SDC)会员。
时间 | 获奖项目 | 奖项 | 等级 | 排名 |
2017 | 低温低耗低废高效针织染整成套技术及其高品质舒适产品开发 | 上海市技术发明奖 | 二等 | 1 |
2017 | 基于生物酶改性的功能羊毛关键技术 | 中国纺织工业联合会科技进步奖 | 二等 | 2 |
2014 | 新型共聚酯MCDP连续聚合、纺丝及染整技术 | 国家技术发明奖 | 二等 | 3 |
2013 | 上海市科学技术奖 | 一等 | 3 | |
2011 | 高速列车、轿车高档内饰纺织品关键技术及其产品开发 | 上海科技进步奖 | 二等 | 1 |
2011 | 高档交通工具内饰纺织品关键技术及其产业化 | 中国纺织工业协会科技进步奖 | 二等 | 1 |
2010 | 黄麻纤维精细化及纺织染整关键技术及产业化 | 国家技术发明奖 | 二等 | 3 |
2009 | 活性染料一步法无盐染色、印染废水深度处理及中水回用技术 | 中国纺织工业协会科技进步奖 | 二等 | 2 |
2007 | 液体活性染料制备的关键技术 | 教育部科技发明奖 | 二等 | 1 |
2018 印染企业设备工艺情况摸底调查、评价及其提升指导,绍兴袍江经济技术开发区
2018 运动类服饰面料和服饰技术竞争力分析,上海景萱服装有限公司
2018 运动类服饰面料开发关键技术,上海景萱服装有限公司
2018 运动类服饰面料开发能力建设及辅助申请高新技术企业,上海景萱服装有限公司
2017 生物基聚酯、聚酰胺纤维应用示范(课题5,课题编号:2017YFB 0309405),重点基础材料技术提升与产业化重点专项“生物基聚酯、聚酰胺高效聚合纺丝技术”
2017 芳砜纶1.5D纤维应用于新一代军服的关键技术研究,上海纺织控股集团
2017 羊毛细化工艺技术开发,江阴笛科隆毛纺有限公司
2017 棉织物少盐染色工艺技术研究开发,杭州航民美时达染整有限公司
2016 绍兴市印染产业提升、淘汰落后产能及级绿色标杆印染企业认定参考标准编制,绍兴市经济和信息化委员会
2016 针织面料活性染料无盐染色技术,南通泰慕士服装有限公司
2015 自清洁内饰功能材料技术,上海汽车工业科技发展基金会,
2015 高铁内饰面料、高铁乘务及供电人员内衣、外衣防辐射研究、长效抗菌技术,山东太阳鸟服饰有限公司
2015 新型多功能箱包材料关键技术及其应用,上海纽恩特实业有限公司
2015 多功能伞面面料的开发,上海雷靖雨具有限公司
2015 易去污提花衬衫及风衣面料,上海鼎天时尚科技有限公司
2014 pH温度响应型两性聚电解质的自组装构筑及在纤维素纤维界面作用机制研究,教育部博士点基金项目(优先发展类)
2014 具有散发负离子和去除甲醛的提花面料,上海鼎天时尚科技有限公司
2014 无卤阻燃防紫外线窗帘面料开发,浙江辰鸿纺织品科技有限公司
2014 防异味的床单面料的开发,上海小绵羊实业有限公司
2014 南通现代色织印染产业转型升级示范区的发展论证,南通市崇川区政府
2013 微胶囊型抗菌剂及应用方法,江苏省河浪生物科技有限公司
2013 户外遮阳用阻燃纺织品生产加工工艺技术咨询,格伦雷文纺织科技(苏州)有限公司
2013 车用粘合剂调研及环保型粘合剂预研,上海松江埃驰汽车地毯声学元件有限公司
2013 盐城市纺织染整产业园战略规划研究,盐城市纺织染整产业园管委会
2013 全棉棉氨针织高档面料节能染整技术研究开发,南通泰慕士服装有限公司
2018 Free-standing carbon electrode materials with three-dimensional hierarchically porous structure derived from waste dyed silk fabrics;Materials Research Bulletin;355-360;
2018 Bifunctional Fabric with Photothermal Effect and Photocatalysis for Highly Efficient Clean Water Generation;ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering;8,10789-10797;
2018 Efficient solar water vapor generation enabled by water-absorbing polypyrrole coated cotton fabric with enhanced heat localization;Applied Thermal Engineering;406-412;
2018 Facile synthesis of flexible electrode based on cottonpolypyrrolemulti-walled carbon nanotube composite for supercapacitors;Cellulose;7,4079-4091;
2018 Tunable photonic crystals-enhanced fluorescence by an assembly approach of polyelectrolyte interlayer;Journal of Materials Science;7,4840-4847;
2018 Reusable Hydrophilic-Superhydrophobic Patterned Weft Backed Woven Fabric for High-Efficiency Water-Harvesting Application;ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering;6,7216-7220;
2018 Polypyrrole coated knitted fabric for robust wearable sensor and heater;Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics;11,9218-9226;
2018 A dyeing-induced heteroatom-co-doped route toward flexible carbon electrode derived from silk fabric;Journal of Materials Science;10,7735-7743;
2018 Low-cost and large-scale flexible SERS-cotton fabric as a wipe substrate for surface trace analysis;Applied Surface Science;111-116;
2018 Textile-inspired methodology toward asymmetric fabric based on weft-backed weave for oilwater separation;Journal of Materials Science;6,4683-4692;
2018 Combined effect of nitrogen and oxygen heteroatoms and micropores of porous carbon frameworks from Schiff-base networks on their high supercapacitance;Journal of Materials Chemistry A;4,1621-1629;
2018 Fabrication of acid-resistant fabrics with fluoropolymerSiO2nanocomposites for the application of protective clothing;Journal of Industrial Textiles;5,727-740;
2017 Self-assembly of Ag nanoparticles on the woven cotton fabrics as mechanical flexible substrates for surface enhanced Raman scattering;JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS;484-489;
2017 A New Smart Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Sensor Based on pH-Responsive Polyacryloyl Hydrazine Capped Ag Nanoparticles;NANOSCALE RESEARCH LETTERS;490;
2017 A flexible carbon electrode based on traditional cotton woven fabrics with excellent capacitance;Journal of Materials Science;16,9773-9779;
2017 Icosahedral nanocrystals of noble metals: Synthesis and applications;Nano Today;121-144;
2017 Antifogging and anti-frosting coatings by Dip-layer-by-layer self-assembly of just triple-layer oppositely charged nanoparticles;Thin Solid Films;85-95;
2017 Synergistic effect of organo-montmorillonite and DOPO-based oligomer on improving the flame retardancy of epoxy thermoset;Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry;3,1429-1441;
2017 The smart surfaces with reversible transformations from superhydrophobicity to superhydrophilicity;Materials Letters;13-17;
2017 Facile Preparation of Acid-Resistant Polyester Fabrics With OrganicInorganic Nanocomposites;Clothing and Textiles Research Journal;2,98-110;
2017 Highly efficient flame-retardant epoxy resin with a novel DOPO-based triazole compound: Thermal stability, flame retardancy and mechanism;Polymer Degradation and Stability;138-150;
2017 Tunable metal-enhanced fluorescence by pH-responsive polyacryloyl hydrazide capped Ag nanoparticles;RSC Advances;11,6358-6363;
2017 Flexible and internal series-connected supercapacitors with high working voltage using ultralight porous carbon nanofilms;Journal of Power Sources;762-771;
2016 Self-Assembly of Colloidal Photonic Crystals of PS@PNIPAM Nanoparticles and Temperature-Responsive Tunable Fluorescence;Journal of Fluorescence;6,2303-2310;
2016 Flame-retardant properties and mechanisms of epoxy thermosets modified with two phosphorus-containing phenolic amines;Journal of Applied Polymer Science;37
2016 Wearable Solid-State Supercapacitors Operating at High Working Voltage with a Flexible Nanocomposite Electrode;ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces;39,25905-25914;
2016 Flame retardancy and mechanical properties of epoxy thermosets modified with a novel DOPO-based oligomer;Polymer Degradation and Stability;156-167;
2016 Carrier-Free and Low-Temperature Ultradeep Dyeing of Poly(ethylene terephthalate) Copolyester Modified with Sodium-5-sulfo-bis(hydroxyethyl)-isophthalate and 2-Methyl-1,3-propanediol;ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering;6,3285-3291;
2016 Scalable Synthesis of Palladium Icosahedra in Plug Reactors for the Production of Oxygen Reduction Reaction Catalysts;ChemCatChem;9,1658-1664;
2016 Thermal crystallization of low-temperature prepared anatase nano-TiO2and multifunctional finishing of cotton fabrics;Journal of the Textile Institute;5,651-662
2016 Potentiostatically synthesized flexible polypyrrolemulti-wall carbon nanotubecotton fabric electrodes for supercapacitors;Cellulose;1,637-648
2016 Template-directed synthesis of hierarchically mesporous superparamagnetic carbon-coated nickel nanoplates;Materials Letters;152-15;
2016 Facile fabrication of asymmetric wettable fabric with weft backed weave for oilwater separation;RSC Advances;111,109769-109777;
2016 Alkaline hydrolysis and pretreatment of trilobal high dimethyl 5-sulfoisophthalate sodium cationic dyeable polyester;Journal of the Textile Institute;10,1336-1346;
2016 Facile fabrication of freestanding three-dimensional composites for supercapacitors;CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS;13,2691-2694;
2015 Superamphiphobic cotton fabrics with enhanced stability;Applied Surface Science;951-957;
2015 Synthesis of blocking polyether silicone oil and silicone blocking waterborne polyurethane and application to cashmere knitted fabric finishing;Textile Research Journal;19,2040-2050;
2015 Fluorescence sensor performance of a new fluorescein derivate: [2-morpholine-4-(6-chlorine-1,3,5-s-triazine)-amino]fluorescein;Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society;11,2703-2709;
2015 Cationic dyeing properties of trilobal high dimethyl 5-sulfoisophthalate sodium salt (SIP) content cationic dyeable polyester (THCDP) fabrics;Journal of the Textile Institute;8,835-844;
2015 Preparation of vinyl silica-based organicinorganic nanocomposites and superhydrophobic polyester surfaces from it;Colloid and Polymer Science;8,2359-2371;
2015 Cathodic deposition of copper on polyaniline-coated textiles from a citrate bath: effects of electroplating conditions;Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics;6,3621-3628;
2015 Preparation of hexadecyltrimethoxysilane-modified silica nanocomposite hydrosol and superhydrophobic cotton coating;Fibers and Polymers;5,1082-1091;
2015 Self-cleaning cotton fabrics via combination of photocatalytic TiO2 and superhydrophobic SiO2;Surface and Coatings Technology;70-76;
2015 Absorption kinetics and thermodynamics of cationic dyeing on easily dyeable copolyester modified by 2-methyl-1,3-propanediol;Fibers and Polymers;11,2384-2390;
2015 Robust superhydrophobic, and photocatalytic cotton fabrics based on TiO2-SiO2-PDMS composite coating;Key Engineering Materials,Wool and Textiles SustainableDevelopment;225-230;
2014 Study on properties of modified nano-TiO2 and its application on antibacterial finishing of textiles;Journal of Industrial Textiles;3,351-372;
2014 Facile preparation of superhydrophobic polyester surfaces with fluoropolymerSiO2 nanocomposites based on vinyl nanosilica hydrosols;Journal of Applied PolymerScience;11;
2014 Synthesis of polypropylene carbonate polyol-based waterborne polyurethane modified with polysiloxane and its film properties;Fibers and Polymers;4,665-671;
2014 The adsorption character of kapok fiber and reactive dyeing technology on modified kapok fiber;Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics;3,57-64;
曾在美国北卡州立大学 (North Carolina State University) 和加州大学(University of California, Davis)做博士后。
曾与Australian Wool Innovation, Limited, The Procter & Gamble Company, BASF Auxiliary Chemicals Company进行国际合作。
纤维物理(博士研究生课程),Textile Chemistry(留学生课程),染色物理化学(纺织化学与染整工程研究生课程),纤维化学与物理(轻化工程本科生课程)。
联系电话:67792609 EMAIL:zshcai@dhu.edu.cn