董 霞,2010年毕业于3522vip浦京集团官网纺织化学与染整工程专业,工学博士;2017/09-2018/09年美国北卡州立大学访问学者。现为3522vip浦京集团官网化学与化工生物学院副教授,硕士研究生导师。主持国家自然科学基金、上海市自然科学基金、中央高校基金等科研项目,参与多项国家自然科学基金等纵向课题及企业合作项目。《纺织学报》青年编委和《印染助剂》编委。
(1)Jie Xia, Chuang Zhang, Xianxi Liu, Jinxin He, Xia Dong*. Efficient cationization of cotton fabric via oxidative pretreatment for salt-free reactive dyeing with low chemical consumption. Green Chemistry. 2022, 24: 9180-9190
(2)Tingting Zhang, Song Zhang, Wei Qian, Jinxin He, Xia Dong*. Reactive dyeing of cationized cotton fabric: the effect of cationization level. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2021, 9, 36: 12355-12364
(3)Song Zhang, Tingting Zhang, Jinxin He, Xia Dong*. Effect of AgNP distribution on the cotton fiber on the durability of antibacterial cotton fabrics. Cellulose, 2021, 28: 9489-9504
(4)Die Hu, Tingting Zhang, Song Zhang, JinxinHe, Xia Dong*. Diffusion of polyethyleneimine with different molecular weights into cotton fibers at low concentration. Cellulose, 2021, 28: 3997-4008.
(5)Yong Qian, Chen Meng, Jinxin He, Xia Dong*. A lightweight 3D Zn@Cu nanosheets@activated carbon cloth as long-life anode with large capacity for flexible zinc ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources, 2020,480: 228871.
(6)Yong Qian, Chen Meng, Qian Cheng, Jinxin He, Xia Dong*. Electrochemical synthesis of Na0.25MnO2@ACC cathode and Zn@K-ACC anode for flexible quasi-solid-state zinc-ion battery with superior performance. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 2020,31(18), 15943-15953
(7)Chen Meng, Qian Cheng, Yong Qian, Jinxin He, Xia Dong*. Alkali cation incorporated MnO2 cathode and carbon cloth anode for flexible aqueous supercapacitor with high wide-voltage and power density. Electrochimica Acta, 2020, 342: 136046.
(8)Chen Meng, Qian Cheng, Yong Qian, Jinxin He, Xia Dong *. Alkali cation incorporated MnO2 cathode and carbon cloth anode for flexible aqueous supercapacitor with high wide-voltage and power density. Electrochimica Acta, 2020, 342: 136046.
(9)Qian Cheng, Chen Meng, Yong Qian, Jinxin He, Xia Dong*. Energy capacity enhancement of all-organic fabric supercapacitors by organic dyes: Old method for new application. Progress in Organic Coatings, 2020, 138: 105439.
(10)Xia Dong, Zhijie Gu, Caiyun Hang, Gangqiang Ke, Liwen Jiang, Jinxin He*. Study on the salt-free low-alkaline reactive cotton dyeing in high concentration of ethanol in volume. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 226: 316-323
(11)Fen Gong, Chen Meng, Jinxin He, Xia Dong*. Fabrication of highly conductive and multifunctional polyester fabrics by spray-coating with PEDOT:PSS solutions. Progress in Organic Coatings, 2018, 121: 89-96
(12)胡蝶, 张婷婷, 胡涵昌, 何瑾馨, 董霞*.活性染料在棉纤维上的扩散性能及其影响因素研究. 纤维素科学与技术, 2020, 28(4): 38-45.
(13)嵇锡南,欧康康,董霞,黄鸿燐,何瑾馨. 水性聚氨酯对聚乙烯醇-海藻酸钠水凝胶结构与性能的影响, 材料科学与工程学报, 2019, 37(3): 436-441.
(14)秦承玲, 欧康康, 董霞, 嵇锡南, 何瑾馨. 海藻酸钙/聚乙烯醇水凝胶的制备及其性能. 材料科学与工程学报, 2018, 36(5): 739-744.
(15)柯钢强, 江立文, 董霞, 何瑾馨. 棉织物含水率对DMSO/PCE体系活性染色性能的影响. 印染 2018 (22) 1-7.
(16)史杨洋, 胡涵昌, 李富强, 查叶明, 何瑾馨, 董霞. 棉织物的低分子质量水性聚氨酯与封端HDI复合抗皱整理. 印染 2018 (24) 11-16.
(17)胡涵昌, 董霞, 唐文君, 姚金龙, 何瑾馨. 多元羧酸分子结构对交联反应的影响.印染 2018 (1) 1-5.