俞丹,工学博士,副教授。2011年于3522vip浦京集团官网纺织化学与染整工程专业获博士学位,2004年至今在3522vip浦京集团官网化学化工与生物工程学院纺化系任教。2013-2014年澳大利亚联邦科学与工业研究组织(CSIRO)访问学者。要从事纺织品功能整理、柔性材料金属化(化学镀、电镀等)以及点击化学应用研究,主持国家自然科学基金青年基金、中央高校基金等多项科研项目;目前已在相关领域发表SCI、EI 等论文近40篇。申请国家发明专利16项(授权2),获省部级科技奖励1项。
1.Dan Yu, Jackie Y. Cai, Jeffrey S. Church, and Lijing Wang,Modifying Surface Resistivity and Liquid Moisture Management Property of Keratin Fibers through Thiol−Ene Click Reactions,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2014, 6, 1236−1242.
2.Dan Yu, WeichengTian, Bin Sun, Yanfang Li, Wei Wang.Preparation of silver-plated wool fabric with antibacterial and anti-mould properties, Materials Letters 151(2015)1-4.
3.Wei Wang, Weiya Li, CuicuiGao, WeichengTian, Bin Sun, Dan Yu*.A novel preparation of silver-plated polyacrylonitrile fibers functionalized with antibacterial and electromagnetic shielding properties, Applied Surface Science 342(2015)120-126.
4.Dan Yu, Jackie Y. Cai, Jeffrey S. Church, and Lijing Wang,Click chemistry modification of natural keratin fibers for sustained shrink-resist performance, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 78 (2015) 32-38.
5.Dan Yu, Weiya Li, Wei Wang,Jiajia Zhang,Preparation and Properties of Copper-Silver Complex Plating on PET Fabrics,Fibers and Polymers, 2015,16(1):23-30.
6.Dan Yu, Jackie Y. Cai, Xin Liu, Jeffrey S. Church, Lijing Wang, Novel immobilization of a quaternary ammonium moiety on keratin fibers for medical applications, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 70 (2014) 236–240
7.Dan Yu, Le Wang, Bin Sun, Jiafu Wang, and Wei Wang, Synthesis and Characterization of Hybrid Latexes from Soybean Oil-based Polyurethane and Poly(2,2,2-trifluoroethyl methacrylate), Fibers and Polymers,2014, 15(2):208-214.
8.YU Dan, He Jinxin,MaYuehui,Wang Wei. Mechanisms and Kinetics of Chelating reaction between Chitosan and Pd (Ⅱ) in Chemical Plating Pretreatment. Textile Research Journal, 2011, Volume 8, 1: 51-57.
9.YU Dan, Wang Wei, WuJianwen. Preparation of Conductive Wool Fabrics and Adsorption behaviour of Pd (II) Ions on Chitosan in the Pre-treatment, Synthetic Metals, 2011, 161(11):124-131.
10.YU Dan, He Jin-xin, Ma Yue-hui, Wang Wei. Study on the Preparation and Properties of Conductive Polyester Fabric Based on Ni-P Chemical Plating with Pd-Chitosan Activation,Journal of Donghua University,(English Edition), 2011,28(2):205-209.