1.1993/09——1997/06: 华中理工大学化学系(理学学士)
2.1997/09——2000/03: 华中科技大学环境科学与工程学院(工学硕士)
3.2001/10——2004/09: 日本国立广岛大学工学研究科(工学博士)
2.2004/10——2005/09: 新加坡国立大学化学系,博士后研究员
3.2005/10——2007/06: 美国通用电气(GE)研发中心,分析科学家
4.2007/07——2010/12: 日本国立广岛大学工学研究科,助理教授
5.2010/12——至今: 3522vip浦京集团官网化学化工与生物工程学院,副教授
主要工作围绕毛细管电泳分离分析技术开展应用基础研究, 以及探究在线富集技术提高方法灵敏度, 发表在国际著名分析化学主流期Anal.Chem., Electrophoresis, J.Chromatogr.A, 的研究论文30多篇, SCI论文总引次数541, h-index为14.目前开展以下相关研究工作.
3.复杂人体液中神经递质, 氨基酸和生物活性胺类的分离分析
1. Zhongqi Xu*, Tianfeng Xue, Tao He, Investigation on The Chiral Recognition Mechanism between Verteporfin And Cholate Salts by Capillary Electrophoresis, J. Sep. Sci. accepted (2020).
2. Tao He, Zhongqi Xu*, Jie Ren, Pressure-assisted electrokinetic injection stacking for seven typical antibiotics in waters to achieveμg/L level analysis by capillary electrophoresis with UV detection, Microchemical J. 146, 1295-1300 (2019).
3. Shuai Ma, Zhongqi Xu*, Jie Ren, Analysis of neurochemicals by capillary electrophoresis in athletes’s urine and a pilot study of their changes responding to sport fatigue, Anal. Methods 11, 2712-2719 (2019).
4. Mengjie Tang, Jiashun Xu, Zhongqi Xu*, Simultaneous determination of metal ions by capillary electrophoresis with contactless conductivity detection and insight into the effects of BGE component, Microchemical J. 147, 857-862 (2019).
5. Lingfeng Liu, Zhongqi Xu*, Study of chromatographic fractions from carbon dots isolated by column chromatography and a binary gradient elution via RP-HPLC, Anal. Methods 11, 760-766 (2019).
6. Muhammad Nadeem, Tayyab Naveed, Faisal Rehman, Zhongqi Xu*, Determination of histamine in fish without derivatization by indirect reverse phase-HPLC method, Microchemical J. 144, 209-214 (2019).
7. Tingjun Ren, Zhongqi Xu*, Study of Isomeric Pentacyclic Triterpene Acids in Traditional Chinese Medicine of Forsythiae Fructus And Their Binding Constants with β-cyclodextrin by Capillary Electrophoresis, Electrophoresis 39, 1006-1013 (2018).
8. Jun Qiu, Jinhao Wang, Zhongqi Xu*, Huiqing Liu, Jie Ren, Quantitation of underivatized branched-chain amino acids in sport nutritional supplements by capillary electrophoresis with direct or indirect UV absorbance detection, PLoS ONE 12: e0179892 (2017).
9. Lili He, Zhongqi Xu*, Takeshi Hirokawa, Li Shen, Simultaneous determination of aliphatic, aromatic and heterocyclic biogenic amines without derivatization by capillary electrophoresis and application in beer analysis, J. Chromatogr. A 1482, 109–114 (2017).
10. Xingyi Wu, Zhongqi Xu*, Zhuo Huang, Chaoying Shao, Large volume sample stacking of cationic tetracycline antibiotics toward ten ppb level analysis by capillary electrophoresis with UV detection, Electrophoresis 37, 2963-2969 (2016).
11. Lili He, Jie Ren, Zhihao Shi, Zhongqi Xu*, Separation of key biogenic amines by capillary electrophoresis and determination of possible indicators of sport-fatigue in athlete’s urine, J. Chromatogr. Sci. 54, 1428-1434 (2016).
EMAIL:chemxzq@dhu.edu.cn Tel: 021-67792452 Office: 化学实验楼 519